全球最大网赌正规平台, we have a proud history of excellence and high ethical standards.

We act with integrity and treat every employee, customer and vendor with trust and respect. We have always believed that we are not only responsible for doing things right, but that we also have an obligation to do the right things.




商业行为准则 & 道德

Our Code of Conduct is the cornerstone of how we do business. We encourage employees to report any compliance or integrity concerns immediately if they see or suspect unethical, il法律 or unsafe conduct of any kind – or behavior that just doesn’t seem right. Employees are encouraged to raise concerns to their manager or supervisor, 人力资源, 法律, 合规或内部审计. For anyone who is uncomfortable or wishes to remain anonymous, they may report anonymously by phone or electronically through 全球最大网赌正规平台’s Speak Up Integrity Hotline. 不管报告渠道是什么, all reported concerns are taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. We do not tolerate retaliation against any employee who reports wrongdoing.

商业行为准则 & 道德→


The foundation of our approach to sustainable procurement is our 供应商行为准则. 全球最大网赌正规平台 business units utilize standard terms and conditions for suppliers that incorporate 全球最大网赌正规平台’s 供应商行为准则 and set specific expectations regarding suppliers’ compliance with laws and regulations related to environmental, 健康, 安全, 劳动, 人权, 安全, 和隐私. 全球最大网赌正规平台 uses a variety of assessment tools to evaluate supplier risk, based on several factors including geography and alignment with international standards for 人权, 环境, 健康, 和安全.



全球最大网赌正规平台’s 负责任矿产政策 outlines our commitment to avoiding and eliminating the use of minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. The 负责任矿产政策 and accompanying set of guidelines, support the due diligence process related to eliminating the use of conflict minerals in our products and ongoing engagement with suppliers on this topic



全球最大网赌正规平台的人权政策, 2020年发行, outlines our commitment to respecting 人权 wherever we operate. The 人权政策 prohibits any form of forced, involuntary, or child 劳动 in our operations. The Policy includes specific commitments to undertake ongoing due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse impacts of our activities and provide access to remedies through effective reporting mechanisms.


现代奴隶制度 & 人权声明→



We are committed to fair pay and strive to be market competitive while ensuring internal equity across our organization. We regularly conduct global pay equity assessments and compensation reviews. 我们正在积极招聘, 在工作场所提升和留住女性, 通过指导, 训练, 和培训. We’re committed to increasing the number of women in all areas of our business and look carefully at all career opportunities.




Our sustainability governance framework starts with our 董事会, who oversee the execution of the company’s ESG strategy within their oversight of 全球最大网赌正规平台’s overall business, 风险, 和机会. Our Board reviews ESG matters at least two times a year. 

This framework is supported by our broader Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process, which is our primary vehicle for assessing and managing operational, 战略, 金融, 合规风险. ERM报告, 与现状相关的缓解措施, 每年与董事会进行两次审查.



Given 全球最大网赌正规平台’s leading global position as a provider of equipment, 系统, 数码解决方案, and value-added services for the freight and transit rail sectors, preparation and resilience are critical to how we do business. 我们定期监测风险, 确保快速响应, and evaluate improvement areas for our risk management strategy.

我们的董事会, 主要由审计委员会领导, is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the material 风险 facing the company. Our ERM process is central to our risk management process.


随着全球气候变化影响的加剧, 影响全球经济的不同区域, 全球最大网赌正规平台 recognizes the undeniable reality of climate physical and transition 风险. 为了减轻这些风险, we commit to reducing GHG emissions as an urgent short and long-term priority, and we are taking meaningful and deliberate steps to support the transition to a clean energy economy within our operations and by supporting the adoption of low-carbon fuels and developing alternative propulsion technologies for the rail industry. We believe our efforts create a strong competitive differentiator for our business strategy. For more information about our climate risk mitigation activities, see 有目的的创新 on page 19 and Commitment to Climate Action on page 32 of the 2023年可持续发展报告.